Our Vision
It's Hard Out There
The challenges faced by immigrant entrepreneurs are very different than someone born in Canada/U.S.. We created PORCH is an exclusive community for immigrant entrepreneurs. Real community is about building relationships, learning, sharing, getting support, and having people you can call friends.
Community Support
The PORCH Community now has members from over 60 countries around the world, all coming together to support and help each other succeed in their journeys. The community support is invaluable, but there was more to be done.
Level The Playing Field
Everyone should have an equal opportunity to succeed. And our mission is to make sure that immigrant entrepreneurs have everything is takes to succeed!
Grants & Funding
The PORCH Foundation will provide grants and loans to immigrant entrepreneurs. Community, when done right is truly valuable, but sometimes we just need some financial support to progress.
2 Needed Support Systems
Membership based community
Ongoing/active engaged members
PORCH Hub and Slack
Digital and In-person Events
Content and resources
Strong and growing partnership network
PORCH members have front-of-line opportunity for future PORCH Foundation grants and loans
Leverages the PORCH Foundation to help with operational costs